

HI and welcome to my report on space. I hope you enjoy space facts of the milky way


Space has a lot of things like the milky way but here is my information report.


  • It’s warped. …
  • It has an invisible halo. …
  • It has over 200 billion stars. …
  • It’s really dusty and gassy. …
  • It was made from other galaxies. …
  • We can’t take pictures of it. …
  • There is a black hole at the center. …
  • It’s almost as old as the Universe itself.
  • We people live in the galaxy called the milky way 
  • The earth is near the middle of the milky way galaxy
  • There are fire souls in the middle of the milky way
  •  In the milky way there is a black hole in the middle of the milky way

As of now, no human-made object has ever left the Milky Way. The distances involved are enormous, stretching the limits of current technology and understanding.


If the center of the Milky Way were a city, we would be living in suburbia, about 25,000 to 30,000 light-years from the city center. Life in the outskirts is good; we find ourselves nestled in one of the smaller neighborhoods, the Orion-Cygnus Arm, sandwiched between larger Perseus and Carina-Sagittarius arms. If we were to travel inwards towards the city center, we would find the Scutum-Centaurus and Norma arms. 


Earth is located roughly halfway to the edge of the Milky Way, at a distance of about 26,000 light years from the center. We reside in a feature known as the Orion Spur (sometimes also called the Orion Arm), which is an offshoot between the larger Sagittarius and Perseus Arms that lie inwards and outwards of our location. 

What type of Galaxy is the Milky Way?

The Milky Way is a large barred spiral galaxy. All the stars we see in the night sky are in our own Milky Way Galaxy. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way because it appears as a milky band of light in the sky when you see it in a really dark area. 















Here is my report writing in joy.

Olympic Cheetahs  


Cheetahs are very fast animals. They use speed to get their food and to get away from predator species like Tigers and Lions but cheetahs eat deers and boars and human people they can tame cheetahs.


Cheetahs are very strong and very smart. They have other skills like jumping. They can jump over cliffs like big big cheetahs. They live in the wild like deserts and rainforests and they can climb trees. 

Watch this video 


Read this site 


Looks Lives Eats Special

Black or dark brown spots



Brown eyes




4 Long skinny legs

Black spots on their skin as well as their fur

Non-retractable claws





Flat ground


They catch it




Lines under eyes help them see better in the sun

Speed over short distances

Play together

Live in families

Tail – same length as its body

Helps it turn

Some stripes on the tail

Bones very light


The fastest land animal in the world is the Cheetah.  It comes from Africa where it lives and hunts in the savannah and grasslands.  It is an elegant and majestic big cat.


This long legged cat has goldy brown fur and whiskers,  The cheetah has dark lines around its eyes to help it see in the sun.  The tail of the cheetah is very long – as long as its body and it has stripes on it compared to spots over the rest of its coat.  The spots aren’t just on the fur, they are  on the skin too.



On the flat lands of the Savannah you can find the cheetah’s roaming the dry hummard land. Most of the year the ground is hard and dry due to the pressure of the sun . The vast empty land offers space for the cheetahs to roam and run. With few trees to offer shade from the heat of the sun. 



Cheetahs eat small antelope including springbok, steenbok, duikers, impala and gazelles, as well as the young of larger animals including warthog, kudu, hartebeest, oryx, roan and sable. They also eat game birds and rabbits. About half a cheetah’s prey chases are successful.



The cheetah’s unique body structure: flexible spine, semi-retractable claws, long legs and tail allow it to achieve the unbelievable top speed of 110 km/hr (70 mph). The cheetah’s body is narrow and lightweight with long slender limbs. Specialized muscles allow for a greater swing to the limbs increasing acceleration.



I reckon the cheetah is a pretty cool animal and its real choice bro. (informal)

I think the cheetah is an amazing and unique animal.  (formal)



Shark report writing

Hi today I am blogging adout sharks it took a lot of time and here is my writing about why sharks are very deadly.



Sharks are amazing creatures; they can be large or tiny. They swim so fast! The whale shark is the biggest shark that can smell blood. There are over 1,000,000 sharks in the ocean and they eat meat 


What do they eat?

Sharks find food easy like eating humans. Sharks have very sharp teeth, they can bite through metal and they can eat turtles and other sharks and seagulls. 


Shark Food Chain


Sharks are at the top of the food chain. The strongest shark is The Great White Shark. Sharks do not have bones like the sharks in the sea but the animal food chain is to help them know how to stay away from them. 


Sharks have great scenes of smell. Sharks can be small so the sharks can smell a lot of blood. If you have a cut, sharks will eat you up and be safe in the rafe waters.


The whale shark is the largest shark in the world. They are so large they eat so much food every day so that’s the reasons why they’re so large.


A baby shark is so tiny and weak they need their mom to survive when they are older they can go so far from their mother. 


This week we have been making pyramids of the tropic levels

First we got a paper then drawed the pyramids. Then we labeled all the tropic levels like 1,2, 3, 4, 5. Then we put producers,  primary consumers,  seconederary consumers,   terey consumers.

At the bottom are the producers, like plants and flowers they make their own food using sunlight through photosynthesis. they carry 100% of the energy.

Primary consumers / tropic levels 2.

One floor up the primary consumers, such as rabbits and deer. They eat the plants to get energy, they are known as herbivores.

The energy that goes in to the plants and it is the best.


Animals die without plants and water it will be so sad if all of the animals died.




We did maths in school for or learning but was so easy easy super easy it was so funny how got all the question right then I got to go on to prodigy it was so fun the end.


Todat we played infection around the hole school it was so much fun it was so graet in the end I am going to see my puppy it will be so graet the end.

Primary consumers

Today we are doing a  food chain and looking for the primary consumers  here is the primary consumers.